Project • Ongoing

Strengthening accountability to affected people in Central African Republic

Source: ECHO

In face of the grave humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) is providing affected communities with opportunities to express their feedback on the on-going humanitarian response. In a country where the population is facing widespread violence and chronic famine, affected communities do not always have the opportunity to systematically express their views or ensure that their opinions are taken into account by humanitarian actors.

In order to reinforce accountability towards affected people in CAR, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) has created an Inter-Agency Collective Service (IACS) to operationalise accountability to affected people by supporting organisations working at the frontlines of the response.

As part of this joint effort, Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) is working with Unicef and the International Organisation for Migration's (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) data collection teams to conduct micro-surveys of people’s perceptions that can help guide the response, measure impact and ensure that the views of affected people are regularly considered and acted upon.


The following reports are only available in French except where specified.

Global reports

Round 2 report - June 2021 - Full report / Executive summary

Round 2 Cash Analysis - May 2021

Round 1 report - June 2020

Round 1 Cash Analysis - August 2020 [EN]

Pilot phase report - December 2019

Community feedback bulletins 

Alindao - June 2020 / March 2021

Batangafo - June 2020

Bambari - June 2020

Kaga Bandoro - June 2020 / March 2021

Paoua - December 2019 /March 2021

Bangassou - December 2019 / March 2021
