Projects in Central African Republic

Collecting citizens and community actors’ perceptions on COVID-19 in CAR

In the Central African Republic (CAR), Ground Truth Solutions is working with UNICEF on the implementation of surveys gauging the perceptions of affected communities, humanitarian staff and other key actors on the on-going humanitarian response to COVID-19.

Project status: Ongoing

Strengthening accountability to affected people in the Central African Republic

In face of the grave humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) is providing affected communities with opportunities to express their feedback on the on-going humanitarian response.

Project status: Ongoing

Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on Cash and Voucher Assistance

We are working with key global actors such as CaLP and CashCap and in-country actors in CAR, Nigeria and Somalia to understand the wider impacts of COVID-19 on cash and voucher assistance, and their approaches to the current crisis....

Project status: Ongoing