Project • Ongoing
Collecting citizen and community actors’ perceptions on COVID-19 in CAR

In the Central African Republic (CAR), Ground Truth Solutions is working with UNICEF to track the perceptions of affected communities, humanitarian staff and other key actors on the humanitarian response to COVID-19.
Through phone surveys being conducted in several regions of CAR, key information will be provided to the Ministry of Health and the humanitarian community on how to contextualise and shift the COVID-19 response by understanding communities' views on key dimensions such as information awareness, trust, economic impact and other factors influencing behaviour.
Additionally, with the support of the hotline operated by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), four rounds of phone surveys with 40 key informants (community leaders, health staff, social workers, religious leaders) are being rolled out over the next few months. An online survey with in-country aid workers will provide additional insight.
COVID-19 insight from key informants
Bulletin 3 (FR) - October 2020
Bulletin 4 (FR) - February 2021
Community perceptions on COVID-19