Project • Ongoing

The Cash Barometer in Nigeria

Source: ICRC

In Nigeria, the Cash Barometer was launched in late 2019 with a survey of recipients of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) in Borno State. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we adapted the Cash Barometer to explore perceptions of the economic impact of the pandemic, as experienced by CVA recipients, humanitarian actors and financial service providers. A second round of surveys in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe (BAY states) was conducted in November 2020 and is now being followed up on through a series of qualitative interviews.

June 2021: The key to fairness is inclusion: Understanding perceptions of fairness and aid modality preferences in BAY States

November 2020: Perceptions of Cash and Voucher Recipients in BAY States

May 2020:  Key economic concerns during COVID-19: Maiduguri Cash Working Group

February 2020: Perceptions of Cash and Voucher Recipients in Borno State
