Project • Ongoing
Key economic concerns during COVID-19: Maiduguri Cash Working Group
COVID-19 is quickly becoming an economic crisis as well as a health crisis. We conducted a quick snapshot survey of members of the Cash Working Group (CWG) in Maiduguri. This small sample (n=13) provides an indicative understanding of the key economic concerns of cash and voucher actors in Maiduguri as a result of the pandemic. The results, in combination with interviews with key actors, will inform our upcoming survey in Northeast Nigeria, so that the Cash Barometer can continue to ensure that the voices of people receiving cash and voucher assistance in Northeast Nigeria are reflected in the response.
We asked respondents what their top three economic concerns were as a result of COVID-19 and its impact on programmes. The core concerns for CWG members in Maiduguri are the impact on markets, increased demand for assistance, and community access to assistance and markets.
Cash Working Group member’s primary information need was more information on COVID-19 coordination. This was followed by a need for more information about community behaviour in the context of COVID-19. This information gap will be addressed through the next phase of the Cash Barometer, in which we will carry out quantitative and qualitative data collection with people affected by crisis and market traders in Borno State.
Thus far, CWG members feel that the humanitarian messaging to communities has been appropriate and that the right actions have been taken by the humanitarian community to mitigate risks. Many have made significant changes to their programmes, stopping all non-essential work and travel. Respondents feel that the crisis is likely to continue for at least several months more, if not for the rest of 2020.
In Nigeria, CWG member are unsure if there was progress being made against the virus, with 50% responding yes, and 50% responding no. However, some positive outcomes are identified including improvements in coordination efforts and digital adaptation of programmes.