Our work
Humanitarian responses
We help affected populations share feedback with the humanitarian community in a particular country or “response” and tell aid providers how they see the actions undertaken on their behalf. We communicate this feedback from affected people to managers and donors with a regularly updated set of benchmarks. Where possible, we link the views of affected people to the goals of the country humanitarian response plan against which individual agencies or sectors can measure and, importantly, adjust their performance.
Amplifying affected people’s views of the humanitarian and COVID-19 responses in Burkina Faso
We are collecting feedback from internally displaced people and host community members in Burkina Faso regarding their views of the humanitarian aid they receive and their opinions on the current COVID-19 response.
Project status: Ongoing
Systematic feedback from Rohingya and host communities in Bangladesh
We are providing Rohingya communities in Bangladesh with a way to give systematic feedback to aid providers. To make sure that the views of affected communities inform humanitarian programming, we combine these efforts with training for aid providers.
Project status: Ongoing
Mapping the user journeys of Syrian refugees receiving multi-purpose cash in Lebanon
In collaboration with CAMEALEON and WFP, Ground Truth Solutions explored the lived experiences or “user journeys” of Syrian receiving multi-purpose cash (MPC) assistance from the World Food Programme (WFP) in Lebanon.
Project status: Completed
An accountable humanitarian response in Chad
Since 2018, we have been tracking the perceptions of people affected by crisis in the Lac, Ouaddaï and Logone Oriental provinces to highlight their opinions about the humanitarian aid they receive. We have also interviewed humanitarian staff and their local partners.
Project status: Ongoing
Camp community perceptions on COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar
We have partnered with the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) to find out how Cox's Bazar camp communities are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and response.
Project status: Ongoing
Collecting citizens and community actors’ perceptions on COVID-19 in CAR
In the Central African Republic (CAR), Ground Truth Solutions is working with UNICEF on the implementation of surveys gauging the perceptions of affected communities, humanitarian staff and other key actors on the on-going humanitarian response to COVID-19.
Project status: Ongoing
Perceptions on a pandemic inside Syria
We have partnered with the Humanitarian Needs Assessment Programme (HNAP) to hear how conflict-affected individuals inside Syria perceive the COVID-19 pandemic and response.
Project status: Ongoing
Strengthening accountability to affected people in the Central African Republic
In face of the grave humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), Ground Truth Solutions (GTS) is providing affected communities with opportunities to express their feedback on the on-going humanitarian response.
Project status: Ongoing
Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on Cash and Voucher Assistance
We are working with key global actors such as CaLP and CashCap and in-country actors in CAR, Nigeria and Somalia to understand the wider impacts of COVID-19 on cash and voucher assistance, and their approaches to the current crisis.
Project status: Ongoing
Citizens perceptions around COVID-19 in Somalia
In Somalia, we are conducting country-wide telephone surveys with internally displaced people, people in need, and Somali citizens. We are asking questions about information access, behaviours, trust, and the economic impact of COVID-19 every six weeks in order to collect trend data, triangulated with information from other actors, to inform the ongoing response.
Project status: Ongoing