Our work
Global humanitarian reform
At the global level, we provide people affected by crisis with practical ways to assess and influence humanitarian practice. How do people see cash transfers relative to other forms of aid? How could provision of cash be improved? What are we learning about progress towards the participation revolution, and how can we get aid agencies to listen more closely to the views of affected communities? By discussing hot humanitarian topics with those directly affected by crisis, and aggregating their views from thousands of conversations across the humanitarian space, we offer vulnerable communities a powerful way to improve humanitarian performance and hold aid providers to account.
Cash Barometer
The potential of cash transfer programming has been demonstrated many times over. But how does the humanitarian “cash revolution” present itself to its intended beneficiaries? What concerns do affected people have, and how can their perspectives help inform a more effective roll-out of cash-based assistance? To find out, we partnered with the German Federal Foreign Office to launch the Cash Barometer.
Project status: Ongoing
Humanitarian reform
As part of a far reaching effort to reform the humanitarian system, Ground Truth Solutions is working in several countries to give people affected by humanitarian crisis more of a say in the planning and monitoring of humanitarian responses.
Project status: Ongoing
User Journeys: Mobile Money enabled Cash and Voucher Assistance Programmes
In order to understand people’s lived experiences of receiving mobile money enabled Cash and Voucher Assisstance, GSMA Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation (M4H) programme has commissioned a research project to explore the user journeys of people receiving this assistance.
Project status: Completed
Humanitarian Voice Index
The Humanitarian Voice Index is a database that combines the data from all of Ground Truth Solutions’ major perceptual surveys since 2017. We use this data to analyse the state and trajectory of the humanitarian system from the perspective of affected people.
Project status: Ongoing
Field perspectives on the Grand Bargain
As part of a far reaching effort to reform the humanitarian system, Ground Truth Solutions worked with the OECD secretariat to give people affected by humanitarian crisis more of a say in assessing progress. The focus was on the changes agreed by signatories to the Grand Bargain at the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. The views of humanitarian field staff were also included in the research.
Project status: Completed