Project • Ongoing

Disaster preparedness and feedback in Uganda

Source: ICRC

In partnership with the Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) and the Ugandan Red Cross Society (URCS), Ground Truth Solutions is supporting the creation and implementation of a systematic feedback system for the Innovative Approaches to Response Preparedness (IARP) project in Uganda.

The IARP project seeks to reduce the impact of climate-related disasters on communities by ensuring that Early Warning Early Action systems are in place, in which the Red Cross National Societies of Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya deliver cost-efficient, well-targeted and timely action to the most vulnerable people faced with probable climate-related disasters. The project is founded by the IKEA foundation.

The collaboration between the Red Cross and GTS is an important part of GTS' thematic focus of applying systematic feedback mechanisms to projects aimed at enhancing communities’ preparedness to climate disasters. Similar projects include a joint DFAT-funded project in the Pacific, being delivered with CDAC Network.
