Project • Ongoing
Amplifying aid recipients' views in Burkina Faso
With increasing attacks by armed groups, Burkina Faso's heightened insecurity is exacerbating critical humanitarian needs and prompting more Burkinabé to flee their homes. Operating within this context, the humanitarian country team has established the Community Engagement and Accountability Working Group (CEAWG) in order to implement and strengthen accountability practices towards affected people.
Ground Truth Solutions (GTS), in partnership with the CEAWG and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), supports the systematic collection and analysis of aid recipients' feedback to help develop humanitarian plans centred on the voices of these communities.
Our first project phase collected feedback from internally displaced people and host community members on their experience with the humanitarian aid they received over the past six months and the impact COVID-19 was having on their lives. Findings from these reports supported the drafting of the 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).
Our second project phase will build on the baseline data from phase one and track if and how people's perceptions about aid programming changes over time. We are working closely with the CEAWG to support humanitarians to run their own perception surveys and analysis, with the ultimate aim to develop a humanitarian culture that systematically listens, responds and adapts to aid recipients' opinions.
Humanitarian Response (August 2021)
Perception Indicator Bulletin (French)
Boucle du Mouhoun Bulletin (French)
Centre-Est Bulletin (French)
Centre-Nord Bulletin (French)
Est Bulletin (French)
Nord Bulletin (French)
Sahel Bulletin (French)
Humanitarian Response (November 2020)
Full Report (French)
COVID-19 (October 2020)
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